50% CPU Usage for Shaking Windows?

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by lakemerrittdave, May 19, 2008.

  1. lakemerrittdave

    lakemerrittdave Private E-2

    Hi there,

    I'm noticing my PC has started to bog down under some seemingly easy tasks. I ran CCleaner on the registry and PC. I also removed all unncessary programs, defragged, ran ad-ware, and mcafee. I have a P4 3.0 with 400 MB of RAM not being used.

    If I shake a notepad window back and forth across the screen, I see it can take up to 70% of the CPU after shaking fast for 15 seconds. I don't think this is normal, is it? I don't recall it doing this when I first bought it.

    Yes, I don't go shaking windows often, but when I compose an email in gmail, if I shake the mouse back and forth, the CPU hits 50%. If I type quickly inside the compose box, it hits 50% in firefox and 15% in IE. I don't recall the PC having this much of a problem with small things like this when I bought it.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.


  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

    Try posting HERE in the software forum.

    More people will see your post in there and will be able to advise you.

    this is the welcome center for new members.

    Good Luck..

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