A beaten man

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Karmarapture, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. Karmarapture

    Karmarapture Private E-2

    Hello to all, before I begin I would like to say it's great to be here and I think the help and support you all give is a generous, kind and selfless act on your part.
    Taking the time to help others with no personal gain is something I have lots of respect for....:wave

    So here is the problem, I de-fraged a friends computer and half way through the desktop disappeared, I still had a mouse and a wallpaper but couldn't get anything else apart from windows task manager Ctrl/Alt/Del. I rebooted in safe mode and all I get is a black screen with 'safe mode' in every corner ?
    Then I tried to reboot at the last clean load point as XP allows and still no desktop, I did create a system restore point before I started but how can I get to it if I have no desktop ?

    The other problem is I don't have the PC in front of me so could I get some clue of what to do, and what did I do wrong ?

    Thanks for any help you can give me on this
    yours sincerely
  2. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

    start a new thread HERE in the software forum.

    you will get better advice there as this is the welcome center for new members..

    good luck..
  3. Karmarapture

    Karmarapture Private E-2

    Thank you wildwolf220 for the warm welcome, I will comply.:)
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    your welcome:)
  5. shanemail

    shanemail Fold On

    Welcome to Major Geeks :major
  6. Jason A

    Jason A Private E-2

    Hello and Welcome to MajorGeeks!

    I'm pleased to meet you and hope you enjoy your stay.

    Regards Jason :)
  7. Karmarapture

    Karmarapture Private E-2

    shanemail and Jason Amison, nice to meet you both....

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