A Beginner's Apology

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by yclabs, Sep 19, 2006.

  1. yclabs

    yclabs Private E-2

    Disclaimer: i am not a native speaker of english so i can have simple mistakes with it. Sorry for that.

    How can you start a newcomer post? It must be creative and informative so the others, who give enough value to you, to read what you had written, must get something but musn't get bored... Also every culture have meeting rituals. You must abide those rituals. But, as a complete new-comer, i don't know how do geeks meet also, as a late-comer, i fall into a place where all the geeks are already met and there is no examples of meeting rituals. So i must create a style of my own...

    What do we have on hand? First this post must be creative and informative, second it must be unique. So we must try to simplify it by just saying who you are and why you are here.. So o.k. here comes the boring part, introducing you yclabs who is the new wanna-be geek of major geeks:

    Lets start with handle, yclabs, hmm why yclabs? I know that you don't want to learn this but i will tell.. Why am i talking too much? Pardon, we were talking about yclabs.. Ok last week, as i had bought an old computer, i was amazed how beauuutiful it is.. I spent whole week browsing the net, learning about computers, only to find that i am passionate about them. Then the life changer event happened: i found esr's essay on "how to be a hacker" which has a link to jargon file. I was amazed, there was a culture who has the same mindframe with me..

    After some googling and learning about the compters and the culture around it, i have decided to change my lifestyle and dedicate myself to the science of computers: So since then i am a laboratory so my handle must show this so i have chosen yclabs; yc, as you can easily understand, stands for my name's letters, and labs for showing my dedication.

    All the knowledge given directs us to the purpose why i am here: As bright people, you had already and easily see, why i am here. If you want to learn something you must go to the hearth of knowledge.

    Beginnings are always painful and hard. But when you dare to start and resist the things which are challenging you to give up; you can achieve the thing you have desired.

    Thanks for reading...

    I hope we will spent good time and learn from eachother.. Till then:


    Disclaimer-2: It is 4.07am in my hometown and i did not slept for 29 hours. If this post was a bulk of garbage(i did not re-read or revise it), i am really sorry that i had stolen your time..
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Sweet, yclabs ...welcome to MG's ...I think you will fit right in ...don't be afraid to ask anything ....we're here to be helpful ...we don't byte!!:)
  3. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks :)
    that was a very emotional speech, almost made me want to cry ;)
  4. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Hey yclabs...welcome to MGs...great to have you onboard :D
  5. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    great to have ya man, you'll feel right at home here :)

    dont worry, when i first joined here i knew pretty much nothing about computers ;) Now, before u go insane, get sum sleep :p
  6. yclabs

    yclabs Private E-2

    Thank you all, for reading my -not necessarily long- post and for your greetings. You made me feel like i am at the right place..
  7. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Welcome to Major Geeks. :)


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