A Technical Question

Discussion in 'Software' started by dude111, Feb 17, 2025.

  1. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Hey everyone how are you?

    Sadly alot of times when I bootup,my mouse cable becomes loose and I get an alert "A mouse was not detected..." -- and I cant do anything unless I reboot.. (The mouse wont work even if I make sure the cable is tightly in place)

    Anyone know how to get it to work w/o having to reboot??

    When my keyboard cable gets loose thankfully all I have to do is plug it back in tightly and it works..

    Merci Beaucoup :)
  2. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    Is it a PS2 mouse or USB? Is the connector on the mouse worn, or the port you're connecting to?

    Have you tried a different mouse?
  3. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Its a PS2 and I have heard those can be picky to activate something once windows is up..... (Its happend on multiple mice)

    Its interesting how my keyboard still works when I plug it in...
  4. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    If your machine has an available USB port, try a USB mouse. If you have an attachment to the existing mouse, there are PS2/USB adapters that are commonly available (Amazon, Ebay, even Home Depot).
  5. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Ya I could try that....... This is a USB mouse with a PS2 connector. (And all the ones I have had were USB/PS2)

    Why does the keyboard work after booting?? (If the cable is loose and its not detected at boot (Its also PS2))

    Computers are very strange!!!!!!
  6. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    How old is this rig?
  7. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Probably 2000 or so.. We got it from a repair shop who was working on ours.... They said it caught fire so they gave us this one...

    This poor thing had been not taken care of... She had sao many problems I cant tell you!! (I dont believe our 98se caught fire,I think they stole it and gave us this one.. The worst one they had)

    I used many fix programs to get it where it is now!! (Our other 98se was much better)

    But im not complaining as it could have had XP on it and I dont like XP,its not as user friendly,etc.........

    I got this 98se working BETTER but she still has problems the other one didnt have.... This almost looks like a 98A failed upgrade to SE..

    I dunno if there is anyway I can figure that out??

    I have heard Win98A was quite unstable and that sounds like this one......
  8. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    Getting back to the original problem, if I recall correctly, hot-plugging PS2s was not a good idea.

    If the machine is that unstable, you could get a copy of Windows 98SE from the Internet Archive and start from scratch.
  9. dude111

    dude111 Private E-2

    Ya you may have a point!!

    I just dont wanna lose my games and all....
  10. DangitallRedux

    DangitallRedux Private First Class

    If you don't have access to the installers, it is just a matter of time before you lose them.

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