Accessing Network Drives Opens a Program

Discussion in 'Software' started by Zippa, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. Zippa

    Zippa Private E-2

    When I double click on a Network Drive it opens 'a program' rather than displaying the drive contents. I have taken all files from the root of the drive leaving only directories, disconnected and re-connected - now ties to open a file rather than display the contents.
    Whenre do i go to reset this behaviour. The other drives are fine.
  2. Kodo


    Curious.. what program does it open?
  3. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    what about if you rt click & explore?
    I had a pc that everytime I double clicked the c: drive 'My Documents' folder would open in Explorer... I found that there was something wrong with a reg key called Mountpoints2 ... after deleteing some key, c: would open again.
    I am not saying this is your problem, just a suggestion of another place to look.
  4. Zippa

    Zippa Private E-2

    It opens with 'Open With' dialogue...
    If i right click it - i get an 'Auto Play' option at the top of the list rather that the usual options....

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