Adding clickable links in forum replys

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by computer retard 007, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. computer retard 007

    computer retard 007 Private E-2

    Hi.Question regarding forums.
    How do you add website links you can click on to in your reply or new thread and how do you add a link for another thread from the same forum in your reply?(besides having to type them out manually).

    My computer skills are limited to using the internet,installing and running programs and some other basic stuff,but I can`t figure out how to do the above.
    I have never cut,copy,pasted before and I`m not sure if this is required to do the above.

  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and welcome

    Yes you can highlight all the weblink you wish to put in a post, then right click the darkened highlighted link and choose copy, then paste into the post or thread,

    ends up like this below
  3. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    Or you could use the url BB tags which look like this:

    [noparse]This is a link[/noparse]

    would look like this:

    This is a link

    Looks a bit boring though!

    Most of us spice up our links by making them blue and bold (and you can use underline too)

    [noparse]This is a link[/noparse]

    would produce

    This is a link

    A full lits of the BB tags available can be found HERE
  4. Bladesofhalo

    Bladesofhalo MajorGeek

    Welcome to Majorgeeks :)
  5. computer retard 007

    computer retard 007 Private E-2

    I still can`t figure this out.

    Anyone have a more thorough explanation?
    This is frustrating:mad:.
  6. computer retard 007

    computer retard 007 Private E-2

    No one can answer this?
  7. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Further explanation ....or questions know how to highlight a section of text? (Hold down the right mouse button and drag across the text). To copy that text, hit control key + "C" key ....then go to where you want to put the text and hit control key + "V".

    If you want to do a link that appears as text exactly as Matt suggested with any link with this: This is a link
    at the end can put whatever you want (instead of This is a link) in place of that text.
  8. Toni_1947

    Toni_1947 Command Sergeant Major

    It's easy if you keep it simple:
    I'm going to send you to the Software Forum:
    I highlite the word 'Software'
    I right click it and select 'Copy Shortcut'
    I 'Paste' it into my post here and BINGO!
    You click it and go to the Software Forum.




    If you want to post a link that is ALREADY a link, like THIS;
    just highlite it, right click it and select 'Copy' then 'Paste' it into your post
  9. computer retard 007

    computer retard 007 Private E-2

    Bah,I`d have to see it done in person.Still can`t get it.
    I only use the mouse,I don`t know any keyboard stuff.

    41yrs old and only had the pc for a year.Never used one before that other than at the library to surf the net and send e-mails.
    Computers suck...too complicated and I don`t have a head for technical things.

    Everything I can do which isn`t much,I learned on my own.
    But there`s way more I know nothing about.
  10. Solange

    Solange Sergeant Major

    Hello there, and welcome! :)

    Made some images to help explain, and don't feel bad for not grasping, it took me 4 months on my first forum to figure it out, and I was way too stupid to ask anyone... :)

    First you copy the address (Url) to the page you want to display. You see the address here, circled in orange:


    Highlight the address with your mouse, rightclick on it with mouse and select copy.

    Then you a reply or new topic here in the forum:


    You press the little globe with "glasses" and get a popup. In that popup you rightclick and select "paste".

    You can change what other people see, if you want to rename it to "Very Interesting Link", for example, instead of the address, in your reply, the bit of the new text field that is highlighted can be changed for whatever you want. This last bit isn't necessary, and is difficult to explain, so just mess around with it a little! :) Test it in this thread, to see what works.

    Also, if you want to see how things are done, you can press "quote" on a post, just to take a look and see how people have made their text bold, italic or pink etc... Good luck!
  11. leopold99

    leopold99 Private First Class

    i'm not too swift on stuff like this either so i'll tell you how i do it.
    first click on the restore button on your browser so it only fills part of the screen. okay lets assume you want to include a page from the malware section.
    open another instance of your browser (double click the icon).
    in the just opened browser navigate to the thread and page you want to include.
    in my case its the "i just been highjacked i think"
    okay, along the top of the just opened browser you'll see some text like http:// that is the address.
    now here is the tricky part.
    press enter to position the cursor at the beginning of the next line
    now click on the http part in the just opened browser
    it will turn dark blue.
    click on it again but this time hold your mouse button down and move the pointer to where you want the URL, like this:

    the above address should take you to the thread "ive just been hijacked i think" in the maleware section.
  12. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    ugh.... Ignore lol, apprently nested NoParse tags don't work
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2006
  13. computer retard 007

    computer retard 007 Private E-2

  14. mgpower0

    mgpower0 Corporal

    if using IE for your browser check that you don't get a request to allow scripted window at top of the browser page[​IMG]
    If you do left click to allow and try the link button again. The popup window should come up then just right click and paste
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2006
  15. computer retard 007

    computer retard 007 Private E-2

    No requests or warnings come up and it still won`t link from the globe with glasses only from paste from the Edit button on the browser,IE 6.

    Any ideas?One frustration after another:mad:.
  16. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    [noparse]This is a link[/noparse]

    ^^^ you can just copy and paste the above and replace the bit that says [noparse][/noparse] (leaving the quotes in) with the address of the link and replace the text that says this is a link with whatever text you want.

    just try it below if you want to test it.

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