Adobe Reader

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by SES, Jul 15, 2006.

  1. SES

    SES Private E-2

    I'm new in Geeks but I understand that there are many of you that are light years ahead of me in experience and knowledge. Here is my problem, I can't get Adobe Reader off my pc. The os is Windows XP service pack2. I am unable to open pdf files from Outlook and was told that maybe some of Adobe's files were corrupt so I tried to take it off my PC so I could reload it and the old one will not go away. I even tried to take off individual adobe files in safe mode. When I rebooted they were still there. The windows program remover does not even show that it can be removed and it shows it there. Any help would really be appreicated from any of you pc experts. Peace.
  2. AbbySue

    AbbySue MajorGeeks Administrator

    Welcome to MajorGeeks SES!:)

    I have deleted your duplicate thread in this forum and will leave this one open simply as a hello & welcome thread. Please refer to your thread in the Software forum for help with your Adobe reader issue.

    For future reference, please only start one thread per issue. If you are not sure which forum to start your thread in, don't sweat it, we'll move it to the forum it is best suited for so you can get help.:)

    Once again, Welcome aboard and good luck with your Adobe issue!:)
  3. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Hi and welcome aboard SES, there are plenty of helpful people in the software section. :)

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