adware and trojan cleaning

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by old_ireland, May 6, 2008.

  1. old_ireland

    old_ireland Private E-2

    good morning... this is my second time posting but not for this... am trying to clean my grandsons laptop that i gave him... i have some questions about putting a few cleaners to the desk top ... i have used them before on my computer ,but when i down load them i only see them as run do i right click to save as and does single clicking make a difference since his is set to do that... one last question ... i look for a reply here or my email address... oh all his infections that i can tell is located in IE/activex-x compatlibitly (registry)

    thanks in advance
  2. old_ireland

    old_ireland Private E-2

    thanks .... i think i understand what ur saying ...but let me make sure combo fix is a file going to the desk top ,not the program files .. am i correct
  3. old_ireland

    old_ireland Private E-2

    thats what i thought and thanks again for ur help ....i will post there
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

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