Aim Profile seems to have a virus

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lily, Nov 29, 2003.

  1. Lily

    Lily Private E-2

    My daughter's AIM profile has a link that we can't get rid of. It says whoaa look what I found or something like it and it goes to a porn site. She has deleted her profile but it keeps coming back.

    I have followed what they suggestes in the the Aim help website:

    I have run the trend macro scan, adaware and trojan shield for good measure. The only thing that finds the suspicious crap is the Adaware, which I have deleted as best I can .

    The problem is that I do see in windows this: C:\windows b.
    which is something I am supposed to delete but it wont let me. It says that "it cannot be deleted because it is being used by windows" I also have something in the add/delete program called Ebates moe money maker that will not let me delete. :rolleyes:

    What can i say, i am a mess! As I write this I have just discovered that when I right click on my mouse,. the word "ebates is there right along with copy and paste!
    Is that weird or what !

    I did the Aida32 report so I know more than I ever knew about my old computer. Before I forget, You really have the most helpful website that I have ever seen! And that is even if you cant help me!

    I have a Pavilion Internet explorer 6 only 64 mb, Intel Celeron with DSL physical memory it says 63 and i use 62 ! only have one left. I better get another job to get a newer computer. My virtual space and swap are almost all free though.
    Anyway sure Hope that someone might suggest something to get the B file and the ebates out of my system! THankssss.
  2. alanc

    alanc MajorGeek

    This might help you with ebates: scroll down to "Manual Removal Instructions"

    Here's another free online Trojan Scanner

    You didn't mention if you're using an anti-virus program, if not there are some good free ones here, try Avast or AVG. Whatever you use, make sure your virus definitions are up to date. Also, Spybot S&D is an excellent free program for detecting and removing spyware, if you don't have it, download it and update it *and* Ad-aware to clean that junk off of your system.

    [Edit] oops, didn't mean to step on your post there, Star :)
  3. Lily

    Lily Private E-2

    AIM profile has a virus..

    I got excited to see they found some stuff but unfortunately to delete all from Spybot & Spy hunter, you have to buy it/ IT would still not guarantee that it will help her profile site. Granted Spybot tells you how to delete it manually but it lost me after task manager, i cant even find out what that is.

    I did clean the registry as suggested. There were 83 problems with that.
    However, I am certainly doing much better because already that weird "ebates" is gone when I right click on the mouse!

    However, the pesky B.exe application in windows is still there and I did not see it detected by any of the spy ware stuff .
    I have been at this computer for the last three hours or more!
    I think i will rest now , here in Tamarac, Fl. (Between Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton).
    Thanks so much to all, and to all a good night !

    Aragorn: What do you fear, my lady?

    Éowyn: A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them, and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire.
    Aragorn: You are a daughter of Kings, a Shieldmaiden of Rohan... I do not think that will be your fate.

    (The people of Rohan are moving out of Edoras towards Helm’s Deep, with Théoden leading the way)
    Sorry could not resist. I see this movie over and over...:cool:
  4. mr_flea

    mr_flea First Sergeant

    I'm going to try a different approach:

    If your daughter has a guestbook, there's plenty of perverts that will go profile to profile and sign the guestbook with "hey, check out this cool site" or "free nude pics by email" or something like that and will leave a link. If she is running a guestbook, I would just delete it.

    Note: she has to be using a service such as subprofile to insert a guestbook.

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