Another overclocking Question

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by overclocker565, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. overclocker565

    overclocker565 Private E-2

    Is there anyway that I can accurately detect my GPU's clock speed so I can tell if the program (NvTweak - Nvidia Display:Clock Frequency settings) is actually overclocking my card. I'm a bit suspicious if the thing is actually working because I am able to set pretty high frequencies (635/1.85 as compared to 575/1.80) without any crashes. Feedback is Appreciated!

    Edit: I'm using an E-Nvidia 8800 GTX
  2. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    that wouldnt seem too 6800XTreme will OC more than that (350/1000 to 500/1300) unlike CPUs i dont think u can detect VGA clock speeds with other programs, maybe rivatuner. just change the speeds, reboot, and if its still there then thats what its running at regardless if it crashes or not. push it farther and see how it responds.

    If i were u though, i wouldnt start overclocking that card quite yet. It can run anything out there just fine at stock speeds; all you're doing is shortening its life which could/should be quite long. Wait until it starts to show its age then squeeze the extra juice out of it. thats just me, do what u want.
  3. walter34payton2002

    walter34payton2002 Specialist

    You can detect any overclock you have with Everest. You can download it for free on this site. Great program. When you get it, run it and click on "computer" tab on the left, then "overclock" icon in the center, then scroll down and look at the info. it provides. It will tell you what it is overclocked at and percentages and original, ect. Great program. Good luck.
  4. overclocker565

    overclocker565 Private E-2

    Thank you both for your feedback. Once I get back to my gaming computer I'll be sure to try out this everest program! As for viper, I have never known overclocking to minimize the life of a GPU. My old computer has a fully overclocked E-Nvidia 6800 GT and it has lasted me over 3 years and counting.
  5. walter34payton2002

    walter34payton2002 Specialist

    Your welcome. Viper is right, though, any overclocking WILL lower life span of gpu and that is true as a general statement, as well, including, but not limited to, CPU, chipset, gpu, RAM, and any peripheral device on the north bridge if you OC any other way than changing the multiplier (remember when you raise FSB, you overclock everything on north bridge). The reasoning is due to heat (other components tend to fail just from running out of spec. too long such as HDDs). OCing by rule creates more heat, which, in turn, shortens life span. The thing is, the life span of processors is pretty long and even though you do lose some life, it isn't likely to be significant because the device will be obsolete by that time anyway. Ask any overclocker, though, and they will tell you that they replace hard drives, RAM, and other components due to shortened life span. I would continue to OC if I were you. You obviously have a sound knowledge of what your doing and your system is stable. But OCing WILL lower life span. Good luck and give Everest a try. It is a hell of a program and will give you information of every aspect of your system- and I mean everything! Let us know how you like Everest or if you have any trouble!
  6. walter34payton2002

    walter34payton2002 Specialist

    [QUOTEIf i were u though, i wouldnt start overclocking that card quite yet. It can run anything out there just fine at stock speeds; all you're doing is shortening its life which could/should be quite long. Wait until it starts to show its age then squeeze the extra juice out of it. thats just me, do what u want.[/QUOTE]

    Hey there Viper. Good point, that card is one hell of a beast. You wouldn't even need to overclock it even when it gets a bit older because of that SLI technology. Just add a second one and you more than double performance. It is unreal. I would have the SLI and OC both cards!;)

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