AOL instant messenger 5.9 startup issue

Discussion in 'Software' started by Port-O-San, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. Port-O-San

    Port-O-San Corporal

    WOrked fine for a month, then on startup of AIM, a small window came up saying AIM was not my default messenger program and asking if I wanted to make it so.
    The small window freezes every time and eventually (1 minute) says it is not responding.
    I've uninstalled and reinstalled twice with same result.
    P.S. If there is a better program, I'd use it - but I was told that others are "full of bugs", i.e. spyware, etc. Your opinions?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2007
  2. Port-O-San

    Port-O-San Corporal

    Fixed it by osmosis, sort of.......... I downloaded AIM PRO and the issues went away. AOL is crap for support.
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    agree 100% with that statement
  4. kfarmbry

    kfarmbry Private E-2

    agreed, aol support is not that great...just use meebo, that's what i use, you can put all your g chat, msn and yahoo contacts in one place on a web browser.
  5. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Pidgin is so much better than a web based client. It supports more IM types, and it has far more features.

    Meebo is good to use if its not your machine.
  6. Port-O-San

    Port-O-San Corporal

    Troubles started again after a week with AIM Pro.
    AOL "support" has juggled this ball for months, along with another failure of same program.
    Donedeal - am trying two of your advised messengers.
    Thanks and Blessings All,
    Port O San

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