Apology To TimW - a major oversight on my part

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by damedic_mt, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. damedic_mt

    damedic_mt Private E-2

    Hello TimW

    Boy, am I some kind of work or what ??? :-o :-o :-o 3 times over!

    I got on the computer, after work, to check & see if there were any replies to my problem. And since there were none, I continued reading thru all of the posts once again. Which is what I said I did in my last post concerning my malware problem. And I found where and to which I stated: that I found Dr. M's instruction to follow a certain procedure, which I claimed you didn't provide me with.

    TimW, I am sorry! But you did provide me that info, not only once but 3 times!!

    Here is the first time you requested I perform the following, from post #15:

    There it was, and your first time of informing me of what to do (that I in error,said you didn't) jumped right out at me like a "Pouncing" cougar. Then your next & then the 3rd & then I saw Dr. M's - just the same as I saw your instructions. The other night, I did not see them? But I saw Dr. M's. So - So, embarassing! :-o

    I don't know how I missed that, but I did. Again, not 1x but 3x's. Now I am :mad at my myself, for being so non observant. I am normally not like that. As you have come to find out I am very detailed & I do read everything, (I also have pretty good comprehension, but I doubt that has been showing - rolleyes)

    Anyway, I am sorry - YOU truly are on your game!!!

    And I truly appreciate that fact.

    PS - I posted this here, because I did not want to double post & "Bump" the thread.
  2. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Takes a big person to admit to a mistake. And a bigger one to apologize for it.
  3. da.bell

    da.bell Private First Class

    x2 :dood

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