ave.exe messed up running exe files

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by davidwendelken, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. davidwendelken

    davidwendelken Private E-2

    I found and deleted the ave.exe malware program, then rebooted my machine.

    Now I can't run all my programs correctly, it doesn't seem to recognize exe files properly.

    See this link for a fix someone did:


    However, I'm on Vista and the tools menu doesn't have that option like prior windows versions!

    I've found that I can right click on some exe programs and do a run as administrator option, but (sadly) not regedt32.exe

    Any other ideas for re-associating the file type correctly?
  2. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to Major Geeks!

    Please see if you can follow the instructions in the below link for running MGtools on Vista and then attach the requested MGlogs.zip file. Remember to 1st disable UAC and reboot. Then remember to right click and select Run As Administrator

    Using MGtools

    After running MGtools, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the C:\MGtools folder and locate the FixFA.bat file and right click on it and select Run As Administrator. Then reboot and see if you still have problems with running EXE files.
  3. davidwendelken

    davidwendelken Private E-2

    Thanks, but that turned out to be unneccessary for two reasons.

    1) I already removed the malware, so running a tool to remove malware was unlikely to be helpful.
    2) I found out how to solve the problem I posted.

    I used the built-in windows vista capability and restored to a prior restore point. That fixed the registry file. A good thing, to, because nothing else I tried had let me change the registry file.

    I hadn't finished researching whether this website was legit, or a front for someone else's malware. You have to admit, that would be a clever way to distribute one's own malware...

    You might want to post some links to reviews of this organisation that were posted by known, legitimate sites. Especially since your own site has a link to an online gambling feature, which makes you look a whole lot less than legit.
  4. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Have you tried reading thru the tens of thousands of threads where we have fixed peoples malware problems? This forum is not new. It has been here for years. Take a look at how many people have access and run the READ & RUN ME FIRST. Malware Removal Guide sticky procedure ( over 3.5 million at last count ). And if you read this procedure, you will see that mostly very well known tools are used to aid in the cleaning process and these tools are all well known on the internet.

    We don't need reviews. No online free forums that do malware removal do. Major antivirus companies and even Microsoft send people here to get malware removed that they cannot remove. Literally hundreds of people are referred to us each day by companies or by other people who have come here for help.

    It's all good though, if you don't want our help, you don't need to post here. ;)
  5. davidwendelken

    davidwendelken Private E-2

    No need to get mad about it! :)

    I was just being cautious. That's why I don't get my machine infected very often, and thus why I don't already know which sites are helpful.

    It would not take much effort to fake those counters. Thousands of posts, yes, that would take some work. It would also take some work for me to read thru thousands of posts, too, and who's got that kind of time?

    Providing links to third-party, known reviewers would simplify the process of evaluating whether this is a legit site. That remains a true statement.

    There are a lot of sites that provide "free" protection software that is, in fact, malware, pre-virused and pre-trojaned for their convenience. The installation instructions boil down to the same thing: "Turn off all the protection software on your computer and install our stuff."

    It's simple prudence to check out who your are doing business with before following that kind of instruction, don't you think?

    And, frankly, that's the kind of advice you should be giving those who come to your site, too. "Don't just trust a web site that says it has free software for you to download, check them out first!" That's good advice and you know it to be true.
  6. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Not mad. Just stating some facts. Before you posted here you should have done your research. Why bother posting if you are not going to trust us?

    You could just read a few to see the site was valid. This would take no more time than reading some links to reviews. Just reading a few threads and the fixes and also reading the sticky/pinned threads should help you realize the validity of the site and our methods.

    Links to reviews can also be faked. Most rogue antispyware software companies have dozens of false reviews on websites all over the internet.

    Yes but we are not trying to sell you anything like they do. We are giving you free downloads that actually remove malware. Not fake ones that tell you that you are infected and want to charge you for the removal. Just checking the procedures shows you that we are using valid software from reputable well-known companies.

    Yes but that is what you should have done before posting. Just a little reading of a few threads and checking out thewww.majorgeeks.com download site main page would help you determine that this is a valid download site. In fact the download site is the main part of the site. The forums are just a free service provided by the graciousness of the owners. MajorGeeks is one of the most popular and busiest sites on the internet. If you still want references, here are a few that you could easily find from using any search engine:

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