Avid Computer User

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Nick1983, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. Nick1983

    Nick1983 Private E-2

    Hi everyone,

    I am just about to start studying for my A+ Certification Exam. I have read a good book by Micheal Meyer entitled: " All In One A+ Certification Exam Guide. "
    I like computers quite a bit. My interest in this field has been with me since about age 8. Computers have always been fun to mess around with but now I try to use the knowledge I have gained by reading this book in addition to information I have found online through other experienced computer users.
    I also have plenty of hands experience building and repairing computer hardware. It is not as easy it sounds to perform this work. It can be a pain.
    Optimizing and configuring a computer to run as good as it gets is my passion.

    Well, I am happy to now be part of a great community. :cool
  2. dnnyo

    dnnyo Private First Class

    I used Major Geeks for like 3 years for software, etc. before I found this forum last month.
    1st I needed serious malware help, got that...
    Then I joined the Folding@Home team,
    It's for science research.
    Don't forget to check out the "lounge" thread ;) :highfive
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to the forums.
  4. Horsey

    Horsey Sergeant

    :wave and welcome to Major Geeks!
  5. duckfeet

    duckfeet Corporal

    First: Welcome to you! I'm 57, retired(nice word for an older 'bum'...but anyway) I was just finishing up the A+ cert myself, and my other HD is Ubuntu, and I've been fiddling around w/computers since I started out on Unix workstation, before the Web, or Windows, or any of this was invented yet...and honestly, felt pretty competent....

    *UNTIL!* this week, when a young friend said he thought he might have a virus, and would I "take a look" ...well, his computer was inunudated with this terrible malware "antivirus 2008", and worse, his girlfriend had sent them around a hundred dollars, for their anti-malware, and special tech support....

    Well, anyway, I've spent close to a week trying to remove it, but it's dug in, and finally got online, and someone suggested this site, and I'm in the middle of doing all they suggested, in the malware section--and computer is still all bogged down--so I"m learning how to get all the logs, so I can post a "HELP ME!" in the malware section, and be ready to do what they suggest...

    Has been a very humbling experience, and has made me *so* grateful for this site, once u learn how to navigate around the ads and stuff, when downloading, u really get to appreciate the volunteers who help out with this stuff...

    My dream is before I'm sixty to know enough to help out myself, but right now, it's back to beginner mode, for this boy...




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