Been here for weeks but no response/help yet

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by Teekan, Dec 14, 2007.

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  1. Teekan

    Teekan Private E-2

    hello fellow majorgeeks. I've introduce myself before and posted a thread for help on a problem i'm having, but no one has even responded to my thread yet and it's been weeks now. I can return the favor by doing something for the nice person that helps me solve the problems i've been having. here is my thread link

    please please any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Yargwel

    Yargwel MajorGeek

    Only thing I can suggest is to make sure that you have the latest chipset drivers and to check that you have the latest bios for your set-up.
  3. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Please do not encourage members to make repeat posts across multiple forums. It makes it very difficult for the OP and others offering advice to follow the instructions already given. If a thread needs moving to a differnt forum, contact an Administrator.

    @Teekan - the thread you link to has a reply stating that the dumps are not readable. I would concur with that. Maybe if you address that problem more people will be able to assist you further :)

    Also this link may help you
  4. Teekan

    Teekan Private E-2

    ok thanks wise geek :) I found out the reason that no one could read my dumps as well. I'm goin to read that great link you provided me and if that doesn't help me should I make a new thread with new dumps? or just bump the old one and put the new dumps on the thread? Or should I post a new thread in the hardware section like a user suggested. he said that everyone just hangs out there. thanks again
  5. Lev

    Lev MajorGeek

    Keep posting in your original thread. That way everyone can see everything that has been suggested and worked through before.

    Posting in a different forum just because it is more popular isn't helpful. Keep the correct topics in the correct forums, as you are doing :)
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    I've replied with a proposed solution in the original thread.
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