Better late than never?

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by housiemousie2, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. housiemousie2

    housiemousie2 Corporal

    Okay... so I do things backwards.

    I have been visiting MajorGeeks for a little while now and (I think) this is my first time in the Welcome Center. I just dove right in... mostly because I was having an issue and that was top priority at the time.

    So, um, Hi! Glad to be here! Ya'll have been really nice to me and helpfull! I do not know much about computers and my machine is pretty old (Win98SE) so I am not sure how helpfull I could be to others.

    This is only my second machine, the first was a Win95, but I managed to keep them both up and running with few glitches. While me and the Blue Screen of Death are on speaking terms we don't see each other often enough to become friends... I'm sure it would be a love/hate anyway... emphasis on hate.

    There is a little hope that before this year is over I will have a WinXP Home machine. It will be second hand, like my other two have been, but hey, it is a step up for me! :D
    If that comes to pass then I might try to venture off into unknown territory... and make this (current) machine into a Linux box. That ought to be a laugh riot.

    Anyway, that is my computer life... thrilling read huh? lol

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    And so ...a late Welcome to MG's ....Linux, eh are a brave lass now, aren't you?:) :)
  3. housiemousie2

    housiemousie2 Corporal

    lol Thank you, thank you.

    Gee what is that saying? Fine line between bravery and stupidity? The verdict is not in yet as to which catagory I will fall into. I will be sure and let you know. lol

    Ah yes, gotta love the kitties! No really. HAVE TO! Or they might get forceful. lol
  4. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Welcome to Major Geeks. :)

  5. abri

    abri MajorGeek

    Hi housiemousie2 :)


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