Bison Webcam

Discussion in 'Software' started by zswobbie, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. zswobbie

    zswobbie Private E-2

    The webcam in my laptop stopped once I upgraded to Windows 10. It is a Bisoncam, & I just get a black block when I activate the cam.
    I have searched for bison cam drivers as well as trying to update using device manager, without any luck.
    Any ideas?
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    You have two choices since the camera does not have drivers for Windows 10:
    1. rollback to the earlier version of Windows that has the correct driver
    2. buy an external camera that does have Windows 10 drivers. If you do buy a camera be sure to google and see if it works with Windows 10 before you spend any money.
  3. zswobbie

    zswobbie Private E-2

    Thanks. I'm quite enjoying Windows 10 & a rollback is not an option.
    I would have liked to use the built in cam, as I wanted to use it for head tracking with my flight sims.
    I will check out suitable external cameras.


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