Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by HermosaJulieJo, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. HermosaJulieJo

    HermosaJulieJo Private E-2

    OMG - I have been away from majorgeeks for years, and just rejoined because a friend said her laptop was slow, so I downloaded adaware from MG and have somehow installed a Trojan horse, I am horrified because now I feel like I have created hours of work for myself to rid this device of this horrible crap - anybody have any ideas on 1 - how to eradicate it quickly and completely and 2 - how do I tell the proprietors of this site that it happened when they don't want to receive emails? and 3 - do the bizcoaching people really think people will do biz with them when they do this to their computers?

    I am so frustrated! I thought MG was a safe place to get software!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2013
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member


    I'm sorry for your problems, however after doing an extensive search, there was nothing I could find that ties Ad-aware to malware. And Major Geeks certainly does not include it in any downloads.

    Major Geeks provides the link to the download, however, the download comes directly from the Author's website (Lavasoft) as you can see here:

    The emails for the owner's of MajorGeeks are Tim at and Jim at As I said though, however you got the malware, it didn't come from MGs and it's highly unlikely it came from the ad-aware software. One thing you should be aware of is that whenever you download free software, the price is that you must watch the process carefully and uncheck all options for add-ons that they offer. They have to make money somehow and that is how they do it. If you don't, you wind up with toolbars, etc that you don't want.

    I would suggest if you haven't cleaned it up yet, you go to our malware forum and follow these instructions: READ & RUN ME FIRST Malware Removal Guide (incl. spyware, virus, trojan, hijacker)

    Also, your post was completely lost in a totally unrelated thread in our Lounge you posted in. You should always start a new thread in the proper forum forum.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2013
  3. HermosaJulieJo

    HermosaJulieJo Private E-2

    Thanks - it was actually spybot.
    I will follow your instructions as well.
  4. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Spybot wouldn't have caused it either. We have a lot of people on here that use it and haven't had any issues with it. I think you may have clicked on an advertizement or something that resulted in the malware.

    Have you looked in your Control Panel to see if it can be removed the traditional way...along with anything else that may have been installed at that time?

    I think you'll find you'll be happy with our Malware Removal process regardless. Our experts in there are very good. Be sure to post all your logs in a new thread.
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi Very likely as the laptop was slow to start with that it had malware on it already, the malware can cause issues with anti-malware applications and these applications when run will find multiple malware on an infected PC, as Laura mentions do run the guide she posted.

    I have downloaded Spybot S&D again to test myself and had no issues with it, with multiple anti-malware scans and I actually sent the file (today at time of this post) that Majorgeeks hosts for Spybot to a trusted online malware scanner and the results are below

    Note to all, you can send most files to Jotti for a scan but do be aware that on occasion some security applications may flag malware as that is normal due to the nature of the application.

    Majorgeeks prides itself malware clean and we strive for this goal, at all times, if we are aware an application is suspect we will test it out again, thanks for your post and I hope that Laura's advice and our malware removal experts will help you remove any malware on that laptop.

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