Blocked ports on net connection...can I port tunnel?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by melancholiclaughter, Sep 24, 2006.

  1. melancholiclaughter

    melancholiclaughter Private E-2

    Having some annoying problems with my connection at the place where I live. I am living in a block of flats and my broadband connection is with the company that owns the block of flats (I have to use their service.. I am not allowed to use any other company).

    The way I understand it we are all hooked up onto a network (which i cant access as you would a normal LAN) which shares a connection between us all. However, they have blocked many ports, including ones for online gaming.

    I've heard the term "port tunneling" before to get around this problem but I was wondering if it would work in this situation? If so, how would i go about setting it up??
  2. rosewoodtech

    rosewoodtech Private E-2

    yes it would work. what you are talking about is a proxy port tunnel. this type of service allows you to connect to one of their proxy servers using a port that is allowed by your provider and then their proxy server connects to the server using the port it requires and tunnels the traffic from your computer to the server. its like creating a vpn connection to work and running the game through that connection. hope this helps
  3. melancholiclaughter

    melancholiclaughter Private E-2

    ah i see.

    what software would I need to do this and what servers could i connect to? prefferably for free
  4. rosewoodtech

    rosewoodtech Private E-2

    software would not help you. you have to get out of your service providers network using a port they allow and then change the port to match whay your game requires. you will have to find a company that offers this type of service.
  5. rosewoodtech

    rosewoodtech Private E-2

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