can someone help me before my wife does a format and recovery for the umpteenth time

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by tat2d12000, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. tat2d12000

    tat2d12000 Private First Class

    hi i have just joined this forum and consider myself a self-taught OJT newbie. my home pc is shared with my wife and is really messed up. it's erratic and doesn't allow certain programs to run right, crashes,etc. anyway, i have usually been able to fix some of the problems we've encountered up til now. i have spybot and adware and use them religiously. i dl'd hijack this last night ran a scan and it looks like i've got some major geek problems, hence my appearance here. can someone please guide me thru this because my wife thinks the best way to fix any (and i mean any!)problem is a format and recovery . i don't think my little 20 gb hard disk can take it anymore. i am willing to do whatever i can to stop that from happening. i'm tired of starting over. thanks , i'm looking forward to some good news.
  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

  3. tat2d12000

    tat2d12000 Private First Class

    i don't wanna sound like a jerk but my wife's so impatient with dealing with this problem she really wants to nuke it and start over. i looked earlier at the thread u mentioned and i'm not sure i have the time to go thru all the steps before she kicks me off here and makes my present pc world disappear. i'll try to keep up but you'll have to bear with me.can i give you some specifics to speed things up a bit. let me know. here i go...
  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

  5. Private E-2

    Aw man I feel for ya. My husband doesn't the same exact thing. Every time I get his desktop cleaned up and running smooth he buggers it up again and then starts over. drives me crazy. Never understood why I never played the RTC3 that he bought me. game files kept BEING DELETED!

    *Lady like sniff* I use my laptop now and it's working just fine. Oh anyhow - about your problam - don't forget to run those scans while offline. It'll help prevent so much trouble while scanning. ;) Good luck!
  6. Hipster Doofus

    Hipster Doofus MajorGeek

    Nuke!!! Did someone say NUKE!!!! :eek:

    What's the operating system? All depends on the operating system. :) And your PC make.
  7. tat2d12000

    tat2d12000 Private First Class

    i survived nuclear meltdown and am now malware free and clean. d/l'd anti-virus, firewall and spyware and told the missus not to get online without it. it is an old hp 6736 with ME. I know it sux but she's all i got! i was trying to figure out if i can make her go faster, reclaim some of my resources, just in general make it better. i am going to hi speed soon and want XP badly.the three days i spent fixing it was worth every minute.

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