Cannot Install Windows Due To Incorrect Screen Resolution

Discussion in 'Software' started by jools1976, Nov 14, 2024.

  1. jools1976

    jools1976 Sergeant

    I'm trying to perform a clean install of Win 11 x64 on an MSI GS63 Stealth laptop via a bootable USB. I get to where I should see the setup screen, but all I get is the blue background and an oversized pointer. The resolution is clearly way way off. If I hit Shift-F10 I get a CMD prompt, so I know it's working, but the resolution is so off that my setup window is out of frame. I tried connecting via HDMI and DisplayPort to an external monitor, but I'm not getting an output. Any ideas? Thanks.
  2. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Are you hooking up the external screens while the laptop is open? Boot with the laptop & close the lid so it will default to the external screen?

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