Cannot Open Zipfile Created By Thunderbird Email

Discussion in 'Software' started by the skeezix, Jun 26, 2023.

  1. the skeezix

    the skeezix Corporal

    On computer #1 I created a backup to a zip file of my Thunderbird email profile. To do this I used TB's Tools>Export function. When I open the resulting zip file (Thunderbird_profile_backup 20230626) I can see its contents.

    Then I did exactly the same thing on computer #2. When I try to open that zip file I get an error message stating it's not a valid zip file.

    The sizes of each zip file is around half a gigabyte. Both computers will open other zip files. Both computers are running Windows 10 and both have the same version of Thunderbird and Firefox.

    Can somebody please let me know how I can open the zip file created by computer #2?

    NOTE: This is related to a different problem that I have with computer #2 (Using TB, I cannot send emails but I can receive them).
  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

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