Cannot Uninstall Printer Software

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by tboy34, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. tboy34

    tboy34 Private E-2

    I just got a new printer and I cannot uninstall the old one. I'm talking about the software. I'm trying to uninstall an HP 3500 series. I get a error message when I try to uninstall it. I've tried the windows uninstaller, I also used a software called "Uninstall tool". Both cannot uninstall the software. I'm attaching a paint picture of the message I get. Can anyone shed some light on this matter.

    Attached Files:

  2. Eezak

    Eezak Staff Sergeant

    Your attachment image shows that this printer is part of a network. Are you attempting to uninstall it from a different computer than the one it's installed to on the network? Or is it a printer with it's own networking hardware built in?

    Have you tried searching the internet for that error message/code? Or maybe go to HP's website and see if you can find out there exactly what that error code indicates.

    Have you already installed the new printer? If so, while you should be able to hook up more than one printer to your network, I'd suggest you uninstall the software for the new printer and physically disconnect it from your network to keep things as simple as possible until you get the old printer uninstalled.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2008
  3. tboy34

    tboy34 Private E-2

    Now it shouldn't be part of a network. There is just this one computer using that printer. I just want to uninstall the printer. To install a new one that I have purchased. Would you happen to know how to get this printer off the network?

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