Cant Access the Internet

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by Marciedoll, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. Marciedoll

    Marciedoll Private E-2

    I have 2 networked computers. I cant access the Internet on one of them, so I cant run any Spyware, adware programs. Before it went totally down I was getting Runtime Error messages.

    I intstalled Mozilla Foxfire and managed to run AVG and fix some Trojan viruses.

    Then when I tried the Mozilla could not find the server. Tried IE and it doesnt work either.

    I do have a HJT log for that computer. Let me know if I can post it..
  2. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    I'm a little confused by your message! Is it totally down or not? Sounds like it is running if you are installing FireFox and running AVG.

    Or do you mean before you Internet connection went totally down?
  3. Marciedoll

    Marciedoll Private E-2

    It went down soon after I installed Mozilla. I was able to run AVG and fix the Trogan viruses...but I do remember one could not be removed because it was imbedded.

    I installed Firefox because a friend thought that would prevent me from having the virtual runtime errors and get my system running better. After the AVG scan and fix I could not access the internet from anywhere.
  4. Marciedoll

    Marciedoll Private E-2

    ;) I AM ALL BETTER..

    Please remove me from your forum posts.
  5. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    It's good to see you have it worked out. I was going to have you run our cleanup procedures and then post a HijackThis log but it looks like that is no longer necessary.

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