Can't Get laptop to go.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by HRL, Jul 3, 2006.

  1. HRL

    HRL Private E-2

    Hello to the gang and hope you can help.
    I have a problem I haven't seen before. I turn on my laptop and get 2 error messages. one is for dead battery the other for no date or time. I have put the date and time in and am on house power so, to me, the battery issue should be moot. When I put the time and date in I have two options, cancel or continue. clicking on either one brings up another, "message"? It's a box with a circle which has "off" under it, in the middle an arrow pointing right and then a verticle bar with "on" under it. I have no curser with which to click on any of these and can go no further. I have tried every key and combination of keys I can come up with and now I am asking for help. When I bought the instrument it had a non working battery and the date/time were never set and it worked just fine. What am I overlooking or not understanding?
    Need help real bad,
  2. mgpower0

    mgpower0 Corporal

    you will probably find it is the little internal battery. Small watch type battery inside the computer.
  3. HRL

    HRL Private E-2

    thanks mgpower. If I find that to be the problem, should all work with replacement?
  4. mgpower0

    mgpower0 Corporal

    yes it should fix the problems
  5. HRL

    HRL Private E-2

    Thanks again mg.
  6. mgpower0

    mgpower0 Corporal

    no worries, hope this fixes your problem. let me know how you get on
  7. HRL

    HRL Private E-2

    mgpower0, it works fine. Thanks again.
  8. mgpower0

    mgpower0 Corporal

    good to hear, glad it worked

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