Can't get rid of VX2 and Ibis Toolbar

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by lvipond, Sep 8, 2004.

  1. lvipond

    lvipond Private E-2

    Updated & ran AdAware Se, and Spybot, loaded VX2 plugin for Adaware and ran it as directed and I still get VX2 and Ibis Toolbar showing up on scans. Add/remove programs doesn't show anything resembling either program.
  2. Kodo


    Did you try running it in safe mode?
  3. lvipond

    lvipond Private E-2

    Yes. Ran both Adaware and spybot in save mode. Also used HijackThis to get rid of some things.
  4. Kodo


    can you post your HiJackThis log as an attachment so we can take a look?
  5. bjgarrick

    bjgarrick MajorGeeks Admin - Malware Expert

    Wrong Thread!
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2005

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