Can't Post A New Thread

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by gordonfreemanjr, Apr 29, 2017.

  1. gordonfreemanjr

    gordonfreemanjr Private E-2

    I seem unable to post a new thread. This is what keeps prompting up:

    The following error occurred:
    Error 403

    Any help?

    EDIT: Worked here, however still doesn't in the "Hardware" section, where I intend to post my problem.
  2. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    You have just posted a new thread here. So it does work. If you click on 'post new thread' in Hardware it should happen just like it did with this one.
    What Web Browser and version of it are you using?
    Are you able to surf to any site you choose?
  3. Philipp

    Philipp Administrator Staff Member

    Should work now. There was a small issue with the installed web application firewall.
    DavidGP and LauraR like this.

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