Can't Update BIOS On Gigabyte Motherboard

Discussion in 'Software' started by spirittoo, Oct 24, 2015.

  1. spirittoo

    spirittoo Sergeant

    I have a GA-M68MT-S2 Rev. 3.1 mobo. I am having problems with the computer locking up at times so I wanted to update the BIOS from FB to FC. I put the file to (got it from Gigabyte website for that board for the OS I am running) ... update the BIOS on a flash drive. I have it in the USB port on the mobo. When I go to Q Flash and ask it to update the BIOS it tells me drive not found.:confused Can't do it while in windows either ... what can I do???
  2. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

  3. spirittoo

    spirittoo Sergeant

    The USB was formatted to a exFAT file. That was the only choice I had for FAT. I didn't extract the files to the USB ... when I tried to extract the file to the hard drive nothing happen, so I didn't try it with the USB ... I thought you just put the file on the flash drive. I will see if I can extract those files to the USB drive.:wave
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    The directions I read said the USB drive must be formatted as FAT32.
    Use this, not Windows to format the USB stick to FAT32
  5. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Most of time BIOS will read FAT formatted drives natively. And you do have to run that file and extract the files to the USB. When you run the exe it extracts the files - then you cut/copy and paste them on the FAT formatted USB drive. If you can select the file from the USB with Qflash you're good, if not you'll need to make the USB bootable with the files and run the flash updater from the key. Read the text file when you extract.
  6. spirittoo

    spirittoo Sergeant

    Well alrighty then:) ... I was finally able to update the BIOS on the board ... the problem was the USB flash drive ... it had to be FAT32 and that was not an option on the scan disc flash drive I tried to use only exFAT was an option ... I got a PNY flash drive that could be formatted in FAT32 ... I downloaded the zip file from the website unzipped the files on the flash drive, the mobo was able to see it and I was able to update from FB to FC.:cool:

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