Co2 Emissions

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by ownthree, Apr 20, 2016.

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  1. ownthree

    ownthree Corporal

    I saw an article earlier about how much energy countries consume. Now I'm wondering, I'm sure there are tons of study how this affects the environment. So why don't people make use of these information in order to save and minimize energy consumption? Do you do your part and save?
  2. mag00

    mag00 Sergeant

    I repurpose a lot, and recycle some too.
  3. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Yeah, maybe some of the rich climate change people like the AlGore will even fly commercial instead of their huge private jet. Nah, fly with the common people, not likely. ;)
    Spad likes this.
  4. Imandy Mann

    Imandy Mann MajorGeekolicious

    Plant some trees. I have 10 large oaks, a dozen pines, apple pear plum peach persimmon and orange. Heaven's little half acre. I see a lot of yards and property that are bare. If you have a yard or property, plant some trees. They will mostly out live us and still be here for others to enjoy.
  5. bethlehem

    bethlehem Private E-2

    I'm a bit annoyed at how little recylcing I see, and how much littering I see in the world. So sad.
  6. Sgt. Tibbs

    Sgt. Tibbs Ultra Geek

    I do my best, within my budget. Recycling, at least at my house, is cost-prohibitive. Our garbage collection company charges the exact same amount for recycling that they do trash pickup, charges for the recycling bin (we can provide our own trash bin), and only picks up twice a month as opposed to every week. We do try to be environmentally friendly in other ways, though. We're fanatical about turning lights off, not letting the water run, only running full loads of laundry, and we don't shower daily (contrary to popular opinion, it's not necessary for most people). We compost garbage for use as fertilizer, I grow herbs and vegetables, and we've let about 1/3 acre of our yard (total just over 1 acre) become a green space for wildlife. We also eat very little packaged food so we produce less waste, and have changed over to all LED lightbulbs. I'm looking at making a rain barrel so that water can be used for watering the garden.

    Sure, we could do more, but budget says we can't do everything. If only being environmentally conscious were cheaper!
  7. ownthree

    ownthree Corporal

    You totally should! I collect rain water for watering the plants and for washing the car. When there's no rain, we use the last two laundry water for washing the car.
    Anyway, I wasn't sure about the study part in my op so I did some research. Turns out that it's just not information that's available to us. There are companies that have been collecting data for years and use them to help other companies do continuous monitoring for their energy consumption. I heard that they also advise the company in which areas they can save most and how. To be honest, this is just amazing and I'm already thinking about contacting them for my shops. Imagine if all companies do this. How large a reduction we can do in terms of carbon emissions.
    DavidGP and Eldon like this.
  8. Imandy Mann

    Imandy Mann MajorGeekolicious

    I install large hvac projects for public , private and commercial and government facilities. Most better engineered projects include building management systems. Even across campuses or corporations, facilities are monitored and controlled. Temperatures, humidity, lighting, landscape watering and even building access are some common areas managed. Motors can be started a half hour before opening times and stopped a half hour after closing times for just one example. Buildings can be monitored during closed times to use ac in case heat/cold/ humidity crosses a certain level. Regular bulbs in exit and emergency lights can be replaced with led varieties. In fact a lot of lights can be refurbish to use more economical technologies. Fans in restroom areas can be turned off a few minutes after being needed by timers or motion control. Multiple buildings can be viewed by owners/ maintenance/ contract employees on desktop/laptop/phone apps . Depending on how far you want to go, everything is capable of being monitored and manipulated. Time to leave at night? Your hallway and parking lot lights could activate for 10 minutes to give you time to exit and then turn off themselves. Investigate if your are really interested!
    Eldon likes this.
  9. mag00

    mag00 Sergeant

    The 99¢ Only store has 6500K LED screw in bulbs. I have been replacing all my fluorescent bulbs with them.
    Randy0331 likes this.
  10. Sgt. Tibbs

    Sgt. Tibbs Ultra Geek

    6500K???? :eek: :eek: :eek:
    How big is your house??
  11. bethlehem

    bethlehem Private E-2

    My housemates never recycle, i have to do it for them!
  12. mag00

    mag00 Sergeant

    Just a regular single story. The 6500K is the color temp of the bulb, daylight. Not a yellow looking light, bright white, I'm going to build a photo booth using them as the colors come out way nicer indoor with them. They use 2 watts of power and are rated at 40 watt equivalent. 350 lumins

    I have some older floods but they are Halogen and really use the electric, and they also heat up the room, so double trouble.
  13. Sgt. Tibbs

    Sgt. Tibbs Ultra Geek

    Oh, THAT makes more sense! I quite commonly hear "1K" and "2K" in relation to the wattage lamp in a fixture, since in my world any number followed by K is wattage, so I thought you were talking about 6,500,000 watt bulbs! [​IMG]
  14. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

    Due to the energy, water and housing shortage in California as well as the emissions I campaign for schools to teach what happens with overpopulation. My favorite is Easter Island, but many cultures have died from not balancing with nature like the Mayan Empire running out of water.
    The decrease in pollution from one less person makes a life of recycling seem a insignificant.
    DavidGP likes this.
  15. homer78

    homer78 Private First Class

    not on purpose
    I go weeks saving power by not shaving, I dont usually shower on weekends
    I dont drive a v8 anymore(saves about 8 mpg)
    when people stop having parades and wasting energy and making useless stuff, then I might feel like I should "do my part"

    oh, I don't have kids, so not having 3 extra people on this planet has done more good than the family you see at walmart, wandering around looking for more food to eat
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