college student getting a laptop

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by natelxxxviii, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. natelxxxviii

    natelxxxviii Private E-2

    i'm about to start my freshman year at indiana, and i'm almost definitely going into piano performance and theoretical math. i'm looking for a laptop to use, and i came across the Acer Aspire AS5003WLMi-XPH Notebook:
    15.4" screen, 1GB DDR RAM installed (2 GB max), xp home (i think), AMD turion 64 mobile processor, DVD+-RW, 1.8GHz processor speed, 3.5 hours battery life (i'm thinking that's idle), 1280x800 screen, 1 year warranty, all for around $800.
    i mentioned the name acer to my office mate and he said "no way-- just get a dell." but, this seems like a good buy. is this a good deal, or should i stay away from the company?
  2. greenknight32

    greenknight32 Sergeant

    Welcome to MajorGeeks!

    Your question, however, belongs in the Hardware forum, this is just the place to introduce yourself.
  3. natelxxxviii

    natelxxxviii Private E-2

    ah, ok. thank you, i'll post it there!
  4. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    Welcome to Major Geeks!
  5. efibacchus

    efibacchus Private E-2

    interestingly, i am sending my acer aspire off to the fix it shop when i go on holiday next week. it has terrible problems overheating.

    one good thing about a dell is that you can order a full copy of windows when you buy it. that means if you have to reinstall the operating system at some point, you don't have to install all the junk they load onto it at the factory.
  6. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Welcome to Major Geeks. :)


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