Com.facebook.katana - What Is This Thing? Disruptive!

Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets - Software' started by Miss Leigh, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. Miss Leigh

    Miss Leigh Private E-2

    Device: Samsung Galaxy S8+ (android).

    A few days ago (Tues or Wed 20 or 21 July), I updated my Facebook APP.

    SINCE THEN, when I click on an FB pull down Notification, I get one of those dialogue boxes at the bottom of the screen, asking,

    "Do you want to use com.facebook.katana,"

    or, alternately,

    "Do you want to use com.facebook.katana,"

    (yes, both options are identical)

    "Just Once," or "Always"?

    What is this junk? I don't know if this is a virus of some sort, or if Facebook messed up the latest APP update.

    I don't trust the explanations around the www, because most are in broken English, and Facebook, itself, has absolutely NO EXPLANATION!

    Anybody know? Can I uninstall FB and somehow install the version of the APP prior to this update? Or do I need to clean my phone altogether?

    Thanks so much for any help you can give!!!

  2. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

  3. Miss Leigh

    Miss Leigh Private E-2

    NO. I am sorry, but the referenced link is NOT to a legitimate technical site, and the writer is neither a native English speaker/writer, nor technically literate.

    The first, most blatant hint, that there will be a problem with this essay appears under the second heading, ""How to Fix Facebook Katana in 2021," subheading, "A. First Process To Fix The Facebook Katana Issues." In "Step 6" the author instructs the android user to "open the browser and clear all the browsing history, data, and cookies." We are dealing with a FaceBook APP - WHAT browser are you talking about?

    NO, the link does NOT address the problem I described.

    I would SO GRATEFULLY APPRECIATE if someone would carefully read and understand the description of the wonky behavior of my FaceBook APP.

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