
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by rebelderf, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. rebelderf

    rebelderf Private E-2

    Hello folks nice to meet y'all. Upon a friends recommendation I downloaded combofix and Smitfraudfix and ran them as per instructions from the bleepingcomputer site, both worked fine, at least I thought they did. What I didn't know was that one or the other had negated my secure wireless modem connection for my wife's laptop. :eek::cry oh was she hot. how do I keep this from happening?? I am signing off been up since 5am nite all. thanks
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  2. gimpster123

    gimpster123 Bring out the Gimp.

    Hello and welcome! :major

    I'm not sure I understand your probelm- your wife's wireless modem isn't working properly? Or your still dealing with spyware? Since you used smitfraudfix, i assume you've been dealing with some spyware/malware problems. Head over to the Malware Forum and follow the steps in this thread: Read and Run Me First!
  3. rebelderf

    rebelderf Private E-2

    Hi Tim,the modem was working but either Combofix or smitfraudfix changed all of the security settings on the modem and we didn't realize that we were broadcasting wide open for any and all who were capable to, to see all of our private business.
    My wife reset the security on the modem this morning and now I hesitate to run either program cause I don't feel like redoing all that work every time I feel the need to clean out my files. Any suggestions?
  4. gimpster123

    gimpster123 Bring out the Gimp.

    I'm not Tim :confused Anyways- you need to follow through with the Read and Run me to insure you computer is malware free. After we do this we'll uninstall the tools we used. Then we'll get a Firewall, AV, and antispyware program running. (These will not mess with your modem as the other tools did.) Then after you're clean and protected we can get the modem cranked up again.
  5. rebelderf

    rebelderf Private E-2

    Sorry, I thought I saw tim in the name line. Thank you for your suggestions I will work on these through the week. I work for Uni-Solar Ovonics and won't be able to do anything till wednesday. Besides fighting off a sinus infection from cutting my grass on the lake shore. Till Wed. signing off
  6. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..

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