Comments Section On Majorgeeks Not Appearing.

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by mecanicogolf, Dec 7, 2021.

  1. mecanicogolf

    mecanicogolf Private E-2

    I have just discovered today (12/7/2021) that all the comments in the section below on all the download pages have disappeared. I have tried different browsers (Firefox, Edge and Chrome) and the section is blank.
    I thought, at the beginning, that the browsers were blocking it as this has happened to me before. I checked and they seemed to be OK. Besides, all 3?
    Is this something that you have done for keeps or is this temporary? Maintenance maybe?

    Anyway, hoping this is temporary.

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Are you referring to the download pages? IF not, what exactly is the section down below?
  3. mecanicogolf

    mecanicogolf Private E-2

    Yes. It looks like ALL the download pages, "down below", means where the comments are. The comment section is blank on all of my browsers.
  4. mecanicogolf

    mecanicogolf Private E-2

    In other words, I can not make any comments nor see comments made.
  5. XoXgaming

    XoXgaming Corporal

    Check your ad blockers.I don't see ad's due to my blockers.

    Are you talking about the main page

    This below.

    Screenshot 2021-12-08 052227.png

    Or this section in red
    Screenshot 2021-12-08 052538.png
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2021
  6. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I see this
    Comment Rules & Etiquette - We welcome all comments from our readers, but any comment section requires some moderation.

    Not every software title has comments. So far I've selected 8 different software downloads and none has any comments. I don't want to spend time hoping I will stumble across a comment by looking at a few hundred titles.
    I suspect comments are awaiting moderation and with only 3 or 4 people working on this and other chores to do, looking over comments is at the bottom of the list.

    Your best bet is to post in the forum about some program you either like or dislike and link to the program on the download page.
    Eldon likes this.
  7. mecanicogolf

    mecanicogolf Private E-2

    It's the second screen shot. Right there, the red circle, is where comments go and I am seeing none. I will remove my ad blocker and see what happens but I believe I tried that already. I'll get back at you later.
  8. mecanicogolf

    mecanicogolf Private E-2

    Without doing a thing on my end, and I mean nothing, the "comments" section have retured. So something had happened on your end.
    All is normal and I need not disable adblockers nor anything else. It just came back!
    Something on your end.

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