computer dials itself to internet

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by black-eyed susan, Aug 28, 2006.

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  1. black-eyed susan

    black-eyed susan Private E-2

    Hello everyone,
    I'm new to the forum, but not to I've done some searching of the forum but couldn't find any other questions like the one I have and i was hoping some one could help me. When I disconnect from the internet, my computer wants to dial-up on it's own, it's frustrating when someone needs to use the phone. yes, i have a dial-up connection, I am currently using hewlett-packard, with windows xp. I appreciate any help anyone could offer me.

    Black-eyed susan
  2. MellowMan

    MellowMan First Sergeant

    If It was me I would do a online scan

    I know your on dialup, but what antivirus program are you using?

    also if the ewido scan doesn't find the dialer you may want to post this in
    the malware forum for further help.


  3. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    I think this issue is not malware but the fact that any program that needs to access the internet causes the internet connection to dial on request.

    I don't have a dialup connection or even a modem here but if I remember correctly there is a setting in the connection properites that sets the connection to dial when needed, you just need to turn it off.
  4. MellowMan

    MellowMan First Sergeant

    your probably right. I just jumped the gun, because I thought she hadn't changed anything -(It made me suspicous-:) )


  5. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    On the other hand it could be a dialer but lets check the non-malware option first!
  6. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    try this, open internet explorer, then tools options, then connections tabs, then check never dial my default connection, Thus requiring you to manually dial in to get connected. Instead of prompting you to dial when ever a connection is needed.
  7. black-eyed susan

    black-eyed susan Private E-2

    I appreciate all who gave advice to me on how to resolve my issue, so far i'm still having the problem, so, i'm going to download ewido and if that doesn't take care of it, then i will take the issue over to malware and see what happens.

    thanks everyone,
    black-eyed susan
  8. cpyou

    cpyou Private E-2

    this is my first post.
    I am running xp pro and i am having the same problem.
    I have checked the "do not connect" box, and i am running Zone Alarm free edition.
    I am not computer savy but i get around.
    The dial up box appears out of nowhere and and dials up and then the computer doesnt do anything else.
    It doesnt try to update anything that i know of.
    I have to turn the computer off just to leave the room for 5 minutes.
    (Great forum!)
  9. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    Hello Cpyou and Welcome to MG's,

    A moderator will move your post to another forum most likely, not sure if it's software or malware problem. Did you try all the options above?
  10. black-eyed susan

    black-eyed susan Private E-2

    once again i would like to thank everyone who sent their suggestions my way, my computer has quit trying to dial itself. :) someone had asked me what antivirus program i was running. I was using norton antivirus at the time i was having the dial-up problem because i was having , currently i don't have an antivirus programs with that as well. anyone have suggestions about that as well?:confused.
  11. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

  12. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    welcome to MG's..
  13. sparkyrhett

    sparkyrhett Private E-2

    Try this: Double click IE on your desktop to open the browser, see if there is a check mark in the "dial automaticly" box. If so, un check it. If the machine tries to dial when you open the dialup box, click cancel, and that will allow you to uncheck the "auto dialup" box. Good Luck
  14. cpyou

    cpyou Private E-2

    Thank you Cat_w_9_lives for answering, yes i did try the above mentioned options to no avail.
    I'll keep searching.
    Have a good day.
  15. Cat_w_9_lives

    Cat_w_9_lives Major KittyCat

    @ Black-eyed susan, you might also read this:

    @ Cpyou, WB an sorry you've had no luck with your problem. This is Black-eyed susan's thread, I should have told you earlier that you should start a new thread (post your question separate) so others don't get confused.

    Directions on starting a thread

    Post your thread in Networking here: could be connection set-up or malware, good place to start I think. Also put your operating system in your post. Good Luck
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