Computer starts by itself

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by zeus709, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. zeus709

    zeus709 Private E-2

    Hi Everyone zeus709 here!

    Recently, my computer has started by itself usually in the early morning hours after I had shut it off.

    I have (Time Warner Cable with Road Runner Internet); some my Internet Modem is plugged into my computer and is always on.

    However, as I have said my computer starts my itself from time to time. Early this morning was the last time. I should add that each time this happen I had left my Power cord and Internet Modem plugged in.

    Whenever this occurs the only way I can shut my computer down is to press the Reset button in the back; as the Power On/Off button won't work.

    Call me Pyranoid, but after having my computer Hacked for over 2 months as left me this way.

    I know that my ports are so vulnerable. Previously I had used "McAfee's Internet Security Suite 2007"; however, my computer was first pinged (ICMP port) successfully using McAfee's software.

    So, I switch to CA Internet Security provided by "Road Runner".
    However, I noticed from the Firewal Alerts that several ports have been accessed (68, 1622, 1632, 1637).

    As I don't know what these Ports are for and CA Internet Security Suite doesn't allow for blocking Ports as does their EZ Amor Security did (Road Runner says this is their latest), I am helpless to block the ports on my computer.

    Also, my IE startup page and Road Runner Home Page are changed without my knowledge constantly. I know because, accessing the Internet with Road Runner is simply clicking on IE (I have IE 7) by the way.

    I have downloaded (Spybot Search & Destroy, SpywareBlaster and HiJackThis), I also have SpyWare Killer Pro v2 and Ad Aware SE Plus.

    Most recently I downloaded "Boot & Nuke", a software to completely erase ALL the data on all my hard drives. Whoa! MajorGeeks worked fined.

    The problem as I see it, is that the Hackers are installing their viruses in either Startup, ActiveX and other legitimate programs that starts when Windows loads.

    Please note: a very odd thing displays during my BIOS bootup, I noticed two lines at the next to last window.
    Searching for Boot Record from Floppy ... not found
    Searching for Boot Record from IDE0 ... OK
    (the next window is blank except for a Progress Bar that's loading
    something that I have no idea what it is. As I'm not familiar with
    my motherboard (ASROCK), I have no way of knowing that this is
    how it works.

    My system setup: WindowsXP Home Edition
    ASRock (motherboard)
    Socket A(462) AMD AthlonXP/Athlon/Duron processor
    VIA KM266Pro Chipset, Int. ProSavarage8o Gfx
    Motherboard Model # K7VM3
    FSB 333MHz, DDR333, AGP4x
    Hybrid Booster, ATA133, PCI, AMR
    I recently installed: NVIDIA GeForce FX5500
    graphics card

    Software: SpyWare Killer Pro v2
    Ad Aware SE Plus
    Spybot Search & Destroy
    HiJackthis (I will include a recent Log today as an
    attachment as you have instructed.

    Basically, it would help if I cound find out which Port my IP Provider (Road Runner) uses to connect to the Internet, and a refernce to learn about the Ports on a computer and whether there is any type of software to use to Block these ports.
    My Firewall Reports stated: 603 Inbound connection attemps blocked.
    4050 Outbound connection attemps blocked.
    Secured (24) Applications

    Before using Boot & Nuke (copy to Floppy and load on startup). My SpyWare Killer Pro scans had displayed as many as (217 viruses from Spyware, Hacker, Dialer, lots of BHOs and Adware). Today's scan only turned on "ClearSearch" which I was able to delete.
  2. dyamond

    dyamond Imelda Marcos of Majorgeeks

    Hi and welcome to the forums!

    Try posting this in the malware forum. :)
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2007
  3. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    Hi and welcome zeus709 and good luck with your problem, I would be paranoid too!
  4. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    hi and welcome to MG's..

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