Computer will not start up...

Discussion in 'Software' started by kjb125, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. kjb125

    kjb125 Private First Class

    OK...I have a Dell XPS 400 with windows XP...

    I went on vacation last week...shut down computer and unplugged (just always do that when i go on vacation), I return home a week later, fire up the computer and it will not boot are some pictures of what I'm getting...

    I push the on button and get this screen at first...


    Then I get this Screen...


    All seems ok, right, then If I start windows normally I get this screen...And thats it...locks up...


    If I start Windows in safe mode with Networking I get this screen...And thats it...locks up....


    And if for some reason I don't get any of the last to screens I get this blue baby...


    Any ideas as to whats going on?? Is my computer dead?? Any help/suggestions will be appreciated!!!!

  2. pwillener

    pwillener MajorGeek

  3. thisisu

    thisisu Malware Consultant

    IMG_1191.jpg -- Based off this screenshot I'd say that your graphics card is going bad.

    IMG_1192.jpg -- As pwillener said, typically data corruption. (chkdsk usually fixes it)
  4. kjb125

    kjb125 Private First Class

    ""Do you have any bootable media that allows you to run CHKDSK?""

    I'm not sure I know what you mean?

    Thanks for the replys!!
  5. Norgates

    Norgates Corporal

    Blow out any dust that may have settled during your vacation and reseat your cables. If you can you get into Safe Mode, try running CHKDSK by clicking on Start > Run and putting CHKDSK into the run box and clicking on Ok.

    A boot disk would allow you to boot up and run CHKDSK using Start>Run. Someone you know may have a boot disk you can borrow. Here's a little extra reading on CHKDSK:

    Sometimes putting your XP CD in can help, if you have one. If the computer can't get a file it needs, it will sometimes be able to get something off the CD.

    Your XP disk may also allow you to repair any corrupt files by doing a Repair install, depending on whether your computer came with disks. You can also borrow an XP disk for this, but you need to have the same version as the one that came with your computer (in other words, if your computer started as XP-SP2 Home, then you would need the XP-SP2 Home disk, not Pro or XP-SP1). A repair install is gotten to by going through the steps as if you were going to do a new installation of XP, but at the last step, it asks you if you want to install or repair and you select repair. It's important to make the right choice there, or you could end up writing over any data you have on the Operating System Drive (usually C).
  6. kjb125

    kjb125 Private First Class

    Well wont believe this....

    It just started up...:banghead ....I rebooted last night and got to the Windows XP page and left sometime after lunch, it booted up!!

    Go figure...:-o

    I'll just leave it on until I can get all the parts together for my new build...

    Thanks for everyones help!!

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