confused/distressed about a malware post

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by bingo, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. bingo

    bingo Private E-2

    Hi Nice People!
    I posted "goored" here and at malware on saturday morning. Then I ran the whole "Read and Run me" and posted my logs in a new thread, "google redirect". Chaslang replied to "goored" about 4 hours ago and told me to look at my router, run RnR and send the logs. I replied that "this post should be deprecated in favor of 'google redirect'"... then Tim W hit "google redirect" in his qeue and merged it into "goored", sent Chaslang a note to that effect.
    What I'm worried is that Tim maybe inadvertently "bumped" me to the bottom of Chaslang's qeue: I sent my logs on Saturday afternoon, they came up in the qeue, but I don't know if anyone's looking at them yet... can someone tell me what's what, or let one of those guys know what happened? I know I need to be patient with your generous free service, but I hope I don't have to wait another 44 hours for a response to the logs I posted 48 hours ago ;-)

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    The problem occurs when you start two threads for the same issue. You needed to stick to the one thread. Chas will get the note about the merge.
  3. bingo

    bingo Private E-2

    Thanks Tim, I do understand that's what caused the problem, sorry... can you tell me if, when Chas gets the note about the merge, the thread will move back to the top of his qeue?

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