Connecting laptop to a wireless network

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by MadHatter72, Jun 21, 2004.

  1. MadHatter72

    MadHatter72 Private E-2

    OK, I'm feeling like a moron. I've done this before, but it's been a little while and I just plain forget how. I have a Dell laptop running Windows 98 SE. I'm attempting to connecting to my wireless network which is setup on a system running Windows XP Home. I have another laptop running XP Home that basically setup itself connecting to the wireless network. Not so with the Windows 98 machine. It has a Linksys Wireless-B Wireless card (WPC11) that is installed yet can not detect the wireless signal. I'm looking at various sites online but not finding specific help for my situation. Basically I need to know where to go in Network in the 98 control panel in order to set this up correctly. Am I looking in the wrong place? Please help!
  2. cat5e

    cat5e MajorGeek

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