cooling fan runs in sleep mode

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by dvzon, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. dvzon

    dvzon Private E-2

    Hello, I hope there is someone who can help me with this.

    I installed a program called "LOGMEIN"( which is a remote desktop software. When I installed this program it configured my PC to keep it on all the time (even when I'd shut down the pc, it would restart itself), and not allow it to go to sleep.

    Within a few days I decided to uninstall the software, thinking it would allow the pc to go back to sleep & the automatic restarts to stop. Well, the automatic restarts stopped, but the computer still didn't go back to sleep.

    I did a system restore to a few days before I installed the software to see if it would help, & it did, but with a twist. The issue I'm having now is the cooling fan, & maybe all the other fans too, running at its loudest/highest speed (which it never does) when and while the computer is in sleep mode. Once I wake the computer back up, the fan(s) stop(s) running.

    it's very annoying...

    Thank you in advance!

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