
Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by cyberwoman, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. cyberwoman

    cyberwoman Private E-2

    Hello! I am trying to answer posts about cyberforcefield. I just registered, and it says I can answer posts, but when I click reply it says I am not permitted in there confused
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    If its the malware forum, then that part of this forum is for authorised users only to reply to threads you can create one if you need help but you cannot reply to someone elses

    The Malware forum is special in that you have to be an authorised user to post into this section, or a very capable user in removing malware*.

    Reason we changed the policy of anyone replying to malware questions was that it became a mess/confusing when multiple users posted their advice and a fair amount of it was wrong and could have made matters worse. Which is why as you will agree its best to have continuity in helping someone remove malware from their PC.

    *Is determined by our resident specialist Chaslang and after a series of tests to judge your skills.

  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    hi and welcome to MG's..
  4. cyberwoman

    cyberwoman Private E-2

    Thanks Halo. Well I was in the new welcome centre forum not the malware forum. So there is a difference between authorised and subscribed ...? I just want to be able to tell the folks about cyberforcefield, I have been using it for a year now. And Why does it say Private e2 under my name?
  5. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Possible that our spamfilter caught the post you had made as it may have contained some key words to trip that, if deemed as spam.

    Authorised means you have access to, certain areas.

    Subscribed is you wish to keep abreast of the thread or posts in a thread of interest.

    On Cyberforcefield this is some comments by our resident malware geek on that app

    If you are promoting that application then its best to submit it to the owners of the site for inclusion into the downloads list we have as we concider promoting software as advertising and thus, like all advertising you should pay the going rate and the owners of the site again are best to contact for advertising rates.

    they can be contacted here

    If you are wanting to ask a technical question about cyberforcefield then the software forum is best.

    Private E-2 is just a title as you post more your title goes up in a military themed way.
  6. Wayne82

    Wayne82 Sergeant Major

    Welcome to Major Geeks ;)
  7. cyberwoman

    cyberwoman Private E-2

    Thanks Halo!! Yeah I now realise that Aphakot who asked about Cyberforcefield & also Chaslang were in the malware forums. But @ bottom of the page it said I may post replies but when click reply it says I can't. On the support forums front page it says you may have to register before u can post replies, so this is misleading bcos u have to be authorised also! Here is only place I find I can reply.So I cannot reply to Aphkot or Chaslang becos not proper geek yet? But management are invited to Trade Mission in USA, Just want to says something to geeks that's real and not "hearsay". I know the inventor. cyberkiss for you
  8. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    No one can answer threads in malware except those who have been approved by MG to help those with malware probs. That keeps out confusion and wrong advice.
    You could always start a thread in the software forum and tell what you know about Cyberforcefield and then answer any questions others might have about it.
    Welcome to MGs :wave
  9. cyberwoman

    cyberwoman Private E-2

    Thanks! I think I have finally got it.

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