Dead Usb Ports

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ESRaistlin, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. ESRaistlin

    ESRaistlin Private E-2

    Good Day - I'm on a second round of multiple USB ports dying on me. Some still work, a bunch don't. Some of them aren't even showing in the device manager. There's fewer in there then there was before.

    When this happened the first time, I brought my rig to a local computer shop. The guy had the issue resolved within 20 mins or so. Stated that there were issues / glitches with my windows updates and he see it happen all the time. This was about a month or so ago. Well, last week I started noticing issues happening again. PC would not come out of sleep, whenever a restart was done it would lock on boot forcing hard resets. This happened the previous time. Last night I come home from work and 2 of my USB ports are getting the USB Device malfunctioned and Windows doesn't recognize error. Device manager shows a problem with some of the USB ports / devices. Un-installing and reinstalling doesn't work. All USB power settings are set to always be on.

    This time, my PC would not boot at all, until I unplugged all of my USB connected devices except my keyboard and mouse. Now, the list of USB devices in device manager is shorter and devices plugged in don't even get power / light up. I'll be taking my PC back on Monday but I work from home next week and I don't want to miss a day.

    Any thoughts / options would be appreciated. I've tried all of the google search result article steps. I really wish I knew why this was happening. Again.

    My current PC for your reference:

    * Win 10 Home 64 Bit
    * 24GB Ram
    * Mobo Gigabyte Ab350
    * AMD Ryzen 5 3.2Ghz
    * Radeon RX580 GPU

    Let me know if any other information could help.

    Many Thanks in advance!

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