defrg freezes

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by mamarose, Sep 5, 2006.

  1. mamarose

    mamarose Private E-2

    :confused: Hi! I need some help and i know that someone here can help. I really am thankful for this site it has helped me more than once.

    Now to my problem

    I am using Windows me I have been trying to defrag my system and it only will go to 50% and than it freezes. I have checked to make sure all programs are shut done and I have gone and scaned disk, and deleted all old files.

    What else can I do? My computer will not log in above 24000 bps. Help me please!
  2. Natakel

    Natakel Guest

    If you have any screen savers or desktop photo displays running, make sure they are turned off or disabled. This can sometimes cause defrag to screw up.

    I know on Windows 98 S.E. my defrag would stop at 10%, then restart. I finally had to open task manager and kill every process except Systray and Explorer - then the defrag would complete. On restart all processes will start up as before. But again, this was on Win98; I never used ME so I don't know how different the two are.
  3. insamaic

    insamaic Guest

    Try it in safe mode, also this needs to be moved I think.

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