Dell Boot Looping

Discussion in 'Software' started by Gary ODell, Feb 22, 2025.

  1. Gary ODell

    Gary ODell Private E-2

    I have a old optiplex gx 260. So, boot is looping. Came w xp pro. I have a rescue disk, but cant remember if I can use on xp pro. Was made for xp, not sure if it is interchangeable. I aiso have a installation cd for xp home. Not sure if this pc has rescue. Maybe just need a link for a xp pro boot rescue download. I do hav a newer win 10 desktop, but i like old things, and the xp pc does not go on internet. Appreciate any help or comments. !
  2. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Do you see a flash of a blue screen? If you have a cellphone, record the boot and watch it back where you can pause it. How much of a boot do you see? just BIOS? the Windows loading?
  3. Gary ODell

    Gary ODell Private E-2

    Just keeps returning to options,(Safe Mode etc.,Last known good config, Start windows normally). Occasionally makes to Windows splash screen. I found advanced options with F8. Now I selected disable Automatic restart. And got blue screen (unmountable boot volume) STOP: 0x000000ED (0x82F91900,0xc000009c,0x00000000,0x00000000). I opened case other day, n changed battery. Old one 2.87v. New one 3.02v. Can get into BIOS.
  4. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Can you get into recovery mode by hitting F8 at boot? In recovery run chkdsk /r
  5. Gary ODell

    Gary ODell Private E-2

    Recovery mode is no go. Checked under F8, did not see Recovery. In (F12) is Boot Device menu #5 is System Setup, #6 is IDE drive diagnostics, #7 is Boot to utility partition. In F8 there are 12 options, there is aDirectory Services Restore Mode.(Windows domain controllers only.) Tried that, just went back to loop. Also tried utility partition, same thing. Safe Mode, same.
  6. foogoo

    foogoo Major "foogoo" Geek

    Directory Services Restore Mode?? Is that under Advanced Boot Options? Does it say below that "Choose advanced options for:..." XP or ???

    Systems that could run XP home could run XP Pro, sounds like you just might want to start over, eh?
  7. Gary ODell

    Gary ODell Private E-2

    It is in Advanced options. I did remember the Rescue CD I have is Macrium Reflect ( Imade a few years back). It has option to fix boot. Might give that a go. Could try a reinstall, not worrying about all the updates, since it does not go on internet. Think I saved Net Frameworks and Visual C somewhere (and SP3 ).
  8. Gary ODell

    Gary ODell Private E-2

    Not booting from CD, so will google on it. Does save changes in Bios, as i changed the boot order.
  9. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

    I have .iso images of just about every MS OS. Let me see about uploading an XP to Google Drive.
  10. the mekanic

    the mekanic Major Mekanical Geek

  11. Gary ODell

    Gary ODell Private E-2

    Will check n see if I have another CD Rom that works. Right now it is not booting to anything. No option for USB booting.

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