dell gx270 xp pro no sound

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by holdem6975, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. holdem6975

    holdem6975 Private E-2

    i bought a dell px gx270 and i think it has a on board sound card and i cant get any sound from it i went to the bios and everything is enabled like it should be is there any sound drivers i can download or can i buy a soundcard for it and put it in i got this off ebay and didnt come with no cds some plzs help me ty
  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Hi, and welcome to Major Geeks. :wave

    Best thing to start with is, to start a thread in the Driver's Forum.

    Attach a report from Everest in your new thread and we'll get started.

    Use Everest to get a report of your system’s hardware, OS, and drivers. Upload the report as an attachment
    When Everest is done scanning, click "Report" at the top of the Everest window, click next to get to "Report Profile", select "Hardware related pages", click next, select "Plain Text", click "Finish". Then when it is done processing, click "Save To File". Save it where you want to. (I would use Desktop.)
    Click "Go Advanced" in the MG reply box, scroll down a little way until you see "Manage Attachments", click it, browse to your file, click "Upload", and close the window. Then submit the post. You may have to also type something in the reply box, like, "Here's my report.", so that it will submit.
  3. wildwolf220

    wildwolf220 Oracle of Doom

    :wave and welcome to MG's..
  4. milo89

    milo89 Private E-2

    hello,i am new member...
    emm,can give me the best software for boost my connection dial up??please..

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