desktop image

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by myming, Aug 27, 2006.

  1. myming

    myming Private E-2

    found a foto from an email. how do i use it as my desktop?
  2. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    Save the photo from the email so you know where to find it

    Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Display

    Select the 'Desktop Tab'

    Browse to the photo and apply!
  3. N5638J

    N5638J Guest

    or you could save the image thin open up the image and right click on it and thin left click on set as desktop background
  4. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    And if the default program for viewing jpgs or whatever file format is something like photoshop ? ;)

    Just being pedantic lol ;)
  5. N5638J

    N5638J Guest

    lol its alright.

    i was just thinking because if someone has to ask i would think they would not have anything like that thin. ;)
  6. gal1998

    gal1998 solo-cob

    On this same subject, I am having a problem with the picture really getting distorted if I try to use it for desktop. I am using the stretch feature. is this wrong?
    My screen is 1280 x 960
    How would I save them? or what do I do?
  7. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    N56 I think it was probably a safe assumption lol

    gal, the stretch feature will cause distortion, you need either a higher resolution image or a program that can resize the image with out causing too much loss of qualitey.

    Or you could centre the image and set a matching background color but thats not so much a solution as a workaround.

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