DirectX 9 Web Setup: Error creating process

Discussion in 'Software' started by yeeha, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. yeeha

    yeeha Private First Class

    I can't seem to locate any full redist package newer than June 2010 or thereabouts, and the web installer doesn't work.

    Every time I try to run it, the following error message occurs:

    DirectX 9.0 Web setup

    Error creating process <C\[documents and settings]\[user]\[localsettings]\Temp\IXP000.TMP\dxwebsetup.exe>. Reason: the system cannot find the path specified.

    [Substitute old DOS-style truncations for the stuff in brackets].

    Watching the TEMP folder during this process, I can see that the installer file never creates any files in the TEMP directory, as installers usually do.

    I can't find any info on this exact error anywhere. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
  2. yeeha

    yeeha Private First Class

    Jeez.. fixed.

    I manually created a directory Temp\IXP000.TMP and manually unset the Read Only permission.

    I ran DXWEBSETUP.EXE and the error occurred. I ignored the error and navigated to the IXP000 folder, which now contained the necessary files, including one DXWSETUP.EXE. Without clicking OK to the error message, I manually ran the DXWSETUP.EXE, which kicked off the install process. I then answered OK to the error message and let it self-quit.

    Installer is now running. Very queer and somewhat troubling that I had to go through all this.
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    What Windows version and SP?

    Run CCLeaner and clean your temps out.

    Make sure you are in Admin account when installing.

    Also when downloading the webpackage installer dont click RUN but SAVE and save it to your desktop, disable your Antivirus application and then double click to run and see if that works.

    See if you have an DXError.log and attach it as per these instructions HOW TO: Attach Items To Your Post

    also check Event Viewer for any clues relating to DirectX.

    As for full version, dont remember it being available these days the SDK is but thats not what you need, their was download string to enable you to download the full package, but I cannot remember it or if it works now, going to have a look on MSDN and see if DX9c is available as a full download.

    EDIT: I see you fixed it, good stuff and cheers for posting the fix.

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