Disk Cleanup: Delete "delivery Optimization Files"?

Discussion in 'Software' started by whitequeen96, Sep 22, 2023.

  1. whitequeen96

    whitequeen96 Private First Class

    My old HP suddenly died(?); more about that later. I have a backup old HP that I bought "refurbished" during the pandemic with Windows 10. Each of these cost about $150, so you get an idea of how old/simple they are.

    I've got the "new" computer set up minimally and added Firefox/Mozilla. (I'm having someone come on Saturday to work on old and "new" computers.) I did a disk cleanup and it says I can delete Delivery Optimization Files 4.67 GB. I normally delete everything in disk cleanup, but I'm not sure I should at this point. Any advice, please?
  2. harmless

    harmless Staff Sergeant

    short answer is yes.
    Delivery Optimization is a Windows feature enabling a computer to receive and deliver portions of system and app updates from other devices connected to the same network. It asks for a larger bandwidth and, accordingly, lets you get Windows updates much faster. As long as you have enabled such choices, it can work on the local and internet networks.

    that webpage has more detailed information and screenshots.
    good luck with it.
  3. whitequeen96

    whitequeen96 Private First Class

    Thank you! I did it and it certainly made a difference!

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