Do threads go unsolved?

Discussion in 'Majorgeeks Welcome Center' started by BigglezMcGee, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. BigglezMcGee

    BigglezMcGee Private E-2

    Just started using these forums for some help and I was wondering whether or not all issues are dealt with to the fullest. I was wondering this because I saw that there were some very old threads that never got responded to or were never completed, or the helper just abandons the thread. If this is the case and some get overlooked, is there some amount of time I should wait to repost my issue?
  2. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Some threads do go unanswered, yes.

    Just like most forums, our members are volunteers and help on their own time. We have a great collection of very knowledgeable people who will typically answer if they know the solution. The posts that go unanswered do so most likely for a couple of reasons...1) The people who read it do not know the solution, 2) The asker does not provide enough information about their issue (which is often the case)

    If there is someone helping and it's abandoned, it's generally because they don't have any other solutions for the person to try. Some here are professional techs and some are just more adept computer users. Everyone does what they can. Sadly, all questions can't be answered, but people do what they can.

    In the meantime, I'll go look at your thread and see if I think there is anything you can add. Otherwise, you'll have to wait and see if anyone has anything for you to try.
  3. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Actually, there is a last post that you can answer the question to.

    But yes, sometimes, we just run out of options for the person to try, sadly.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Hi and to your question yes sadly, it can either be lack of info from the original poster, the helpers forget as there are so many issues folk have that a specific one drops down the list, to a question is not something anyone knows a resolution too, maybe the question is too vague.

    I try to follow up on all the threads I participate in but I know I likely have forgotten a few over the years sadly, the major excuse is I work full time in medical research and I am not a full time tech support person for these forums, I love the forums and have been a part of them since the 1st day, but I like many others do not get paid to give advice.

    We do this for the love of giving back freely when we can in out busy lives. I think its a good trade off in that you will find many great computing techs on these forums, some still in work and some retired, but you will get honest answers and not junk that someone's searched for on google!

    I do see that you have resolved your issue?

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