Do "Web Accelerators" really work?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by TheBarron3166, May 14, 2006.

  1. TheBarron3166

    TheBarron3166 Private E-2

    I live in an area where broadband internet is only available through satellite (which I can't afford) and I hear ISPs boasting all the time about dial-up internet thats supposed to be 7x faster. Is this for real? Any suggustions on other routes to a faster connection?
  2. cat5e

    cat5e MajorGeek

    It does do any thing to the actual speed of the connection.

    It caches and compresses web pages that you often use.

    Therefore, if you always go to the same Internet pages and the pages do not change much, you would an Illusion of Speed.

    If it free try it, otherwise, it does not worth a penny.

  3. technaut

    technaut Private E-2

    I used to be with Earthlink dial-up, when they were pretty highly rated. I downloaded their Accelerator program, and I saw no difference whatsoever.

    Are your third party cookies blocked?
  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Download accelerator is good for downloads (duh!), but cat5e is right about the way the web accelerators work .... loads up you temp files (I think) ...Go to bed!!!!
  5. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Download accelators work by cachin data in many servers across the world, to make your retriving data quicker, or also use image compression techniques to also speed the connection, some people found them very useful, some don't, I personaly say give it a try, see how much of a difference it makes for you.
  6. samserver

    samserver Private E-2

    simple answer NO
    best bet is to learn to tweak your own machine
    don't let some badly written software into your system
  7. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    This was answered, and correctly. Please save your help for when the question was not answered, as opposed to confusing people by making an incorrect statement and countering the right information.

    Dial-up can increase speed by caching.

    As for broadband, you can try and tweak your settings, there are things that will help in certain instances, for example downloading more then 3 files at a time via Internet Explorer, but in general, most broadband works perfectly once installed with newer operating systems like Windows XP. The differences you will get are frankly minimal and typically limited on the sending side as well.

    Download accelerators can help if a website cant deliver the file to you as fast as your able to download.

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