Does Restoring A Backup Remove Viruses?

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by Sillycat41, Dec 13, 2024 at 8:32 PM.

  1. Sillycat41

    Sillycat41 Private E-2

    I had a bad day and did something really stupid. I fell for a SCAM that was an email allegely from PayPal. I checked the return address and it looked legit so I called the number for help. It looked like someone was trying to charge $299.99 from my PayPal account.

    I know, I know... that was really stupid and I should have known better. I even let them put a program on my computer: support.client.exe

    It ran for a while and I started getting suspicious... too late obviously... and turned off my WiFi and hung up the phone. He kept calling back so I had to block caller. Ended up closing my bank account since the guy mentioned the name of my bank!! Ended up opening a new account. What a pain!!

    Okay, after turning off the WiFi I used Control Panel > Programs & Features to find the program.... support.client.exe... and uninstalled it. Then I use Macrium Reflect to restore my computer to my last backup on Dec. 5th.

    My question is does restoring a backup eliminate all spyware or hacking programs??? Or have they found a way around that now too??? Please advise. Thanks.
  2. _nullptr

    _nullptr Major Geeky Geek Geek

    If the backup was a system image, then your computer will be exactly as it was on Dec 5th. No spyware, malware or hack tools will be there, unless they were there when you took the image on the 5th.

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